• Standard Text at Tertiary Level Peer Reviewed and Published (Course Materials)
i. Ekpenyong, M. & Osang,. F.B. (2022). CIT308 Formal Methods and Software Development NOUN Press. 978-058-557-5
ii. Udoinyang G.I. & Osang, F.B. (2022). Computer Architecture and Organization II. NOUN Press. ISBN: 978-058-851-5
iii. Onwodi, G., Osang, F.B., Jituboh, E. & Olalekan, O. (2016). Image Design and Animation. NOUN –COL Collaboration on course material development.
• Chapters in Books Published
iv. Emmanuel O.I., Ayodele A.A., Adebiyi A.M. & Osang F.B. (2021). Windows Firewall Bypassing Techniques: An Overview of HTTP Tunneling and Nmap Evasion. In: Gervasi O. et al. (eds) Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2021. ICCSA 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12957. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978- 3-030-87013-3_41
v. Bamgboye, P. O., Adebiyi, M. O., Abayomi, A., Adebiyi, A.A., Osang, F.B., Enwere, M.N. & Shekari, A. (2022). Text Classification on Customer Review Dataset Using Support Vector Machine. Intelligent Sustainable Systems. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 579. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-7663-6_38.
vi. Adebiyi, M.O,. Enwere, M.N., Shekari, A., Adebiyi, A.A. & Osang, F.B. (2022). Digitization Techniques for the Representation of Genomic Sequences in LSTM-Based Models. Intelligent Sustainable Systems. 653-661. Publisher: Springer, Singapore. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-7660-5_59
vii. Udoinyang Inyang, Imo Eyoh, Chukwudi O. Nwokoro & Osang, F.B. (2021). Predictive Decision Support Analytic Model for Intelligent Obstetric Risks Management. In book: International Conference on Emerging Applications and Technologies for Industry 4.0 (EATI’2020). Springer DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-80216-5_8
viii. Osang, F. (2012). Technologies for Open & Distance Learning in Nigeria. E-Book Chapter ASME Digital Collection. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering, 5th (ICACTE 2012). Ed. Yi, X. Publisher: ASME Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1115/1.860045_ch79
(c) Journal Articles
• Major Journal Articles -Peer Reviewed Journal Publications in Circulation
Adegboyega, A., Osang, F.B., Obe, O. O, Akinwonmi, A.E. Abiodun, A.O, Mogaji, S.A. (2024). Tracking dynamics change parameters of chaotic infectious disease outbreak with bifurcated time-series long short-term memory model. Scientific African 24(e02158), 1-16.
Musa, U. Adebiyi, M.O., Osang, F.B. Adebiyi, A.A. (2024). An improved secured cloud data using dynamic rivest-shamiradleman key. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceThis link is disabled., 2024, 33(1), pp. 433–441.
Ukhurebor, K.E. Ismail Hossain, Pal, K. Jokthan, G., Osang, F.B. Ebrima, F. and Katal, D. (2024). Applications and Contemporary Issues with Adsorption for Water Monitoring and Remediation: A Facile Review. Topics in Catalysis, 67, 140–155. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11244-023-01817-4
Atuluku Amichi Ruth, Osang Francis Bukie, Adebiyi Ayodele Ariyo, (2023). Information Systems Research Methodologies: A Systematic Review on Cloud Adoption, Usage and Performance. International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science and Engineering, 11(5), 1-15.
ix. Osang, F.B., Bassey, B., Aminu, M. & Muazu, F. (2023). M-Learning Adoption among Open and Distance Learners in Nigeria. Journal of Computer Science and Its Application 30 (1), 94-101
x. Osang, F.B., Omole, O. Ndunagu, J. N. & Onwodi, G. (2023). Developing Predictive Farmers Based Information System for Improved Productivity in Nigeria. Journal of Computer Science and Its Application 30 (1), 29-35.
xi. Ukhurebor, Kingsley & Pal, Kaushik & Jokthan, Grace & Osang, F.B, & Ebrima, Fadera & Katal, Divya. (2023). Applications and Contemporary Issues with Adsorption for Water Monitoring and Remediation: A Facile Review. Topics in Catalysis. 1-16. 10.1007/s11244-023- 01817-4.
xii. Adebiyi, A., Ugbedeojo, M., Adebiyi, M. Osang, F.B. & Abayomi A. A. (Accepted). An Improved Secured Cloud Data using Dynamic RSA Key. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, a Scopus https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100799500) and ScimagoJR (https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21100799500&tip=sid&clean=0) indexed journal.
xiii. Udoinyang, G. I., Funebi F. I., Osang, F.B., Afolorunso, A.A, Udoh, S.S. and Eyoh,I.J. (2023). A Dataset-Driven Parameter Tuning Approach for Enhanced K-Nearest Neighbour Algorithm Performance. International Journal of Advanced Science, Engineering, Information Technology, 13 (1), 380-391. Scopus Indexed.
xiv. Akoso, C.C. & Osang, F.B. (2022). Information Systems Methodologies: A Review. Journal of Digital Innovations & Contemp Res. In Sc., Eng & Tech. 10(4), 131-150.
xv. Atuluku, A.R, Osang, F.B. & Adebiyi, A. A. (2022). Cloud Computing Adoption and Use: A Systematic Review. Computing, Information Systems & Development Informatics Journal 13(4), 29-64. Link: https://www.isteams.net/cisdijournal
xvi. Osang, F.B. (2022). Apple Internetwork Operating System (IOS) and Google’s Android in Sub- Saharan Africa: The Mobile Internet Services Dimension. International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing (IJWMC) (Scopus Index, 23(2), 153–162. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJWMC.2022.126367
xvii. Adebayo, O.A. Ganiyu, S.O., Osang, F.B. Salawu, S.A., Olamilekan, K.M., Abdulazeez, L. (2022). Data Privacy System Using Steganography and Cryptography. I. J. Mathematical Sciences and Computing, 2022, 2, 37-45. DOI: 10.5815/ijmsc.2022.02.04.
xviii. Ekpenyong E. Moses*, Adegoke A. Anthony, Edoho E. Mercy, Inyang G. Udoinyang, Udo J. Ifiok, Ekaidem S. Itemobong, Osang, F.B., Uto P. Nseobong and Geoffery I. Joseph, (2022). Collaborative Mining of Whole Genome Sequences for Intelligent HIV-1 Sub-Strain(s) Discovery, Current HIV Research 20(2), 163–183. Scopus Index. https://dx.doi.org/10.2174/1570162X20666220210142209
xix. Osang, F.B.; Nebath, M.G.; Oyewande, O.V., Oluyide, O. P.; Garki, F.S. (2021). Predictive Pharmacy Management System Using Machine Learning Algorithm. Computing, Information Systems & Development Informatics Journal. 12(1). 71-78. Link: https://www.isteams.net/cisdijournal
xx. Ajaegbu, C., Umeaka, K.C, Nwala, K.T & Osang, F.B. (2021). A Proposed AODV Black hole Detection Model using the Fuzzy Inference Method in MANET Topology. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research 9(6), 690-694 Scopus index. Link: https://www.warse.org/IJETER/archives/archivesDetiles/?heading=Volume%209%20No. 6%20(2021)
xxi. Ekpenyong, M.E., Udo, I., Edohom, M.E., Osang, F.B., Udonyah, K.C. (2021). SARS- CoV-2 genome datasets analytics for informed infectious disease surveillance. F1000 Research, 10, 919. https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.55007.1
xxii. Osang,F.B., Umoren, I.J. & Owolabi, A.O. (2021). Implementing an Enhanced Procurement Management System Using Decision Support Techniques. Journal of Computer Science and Its Application 09/2021; 28(1). https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jcsia/article/view/214258
xxiii. Osang, F.B. and Longe, O. (2021). Examining Information System’s Usage and Performance Indicators Using Technology Utilization, Satisfaction and Performance. Journal of Computer Science and Its Application 28(1), 24-35. Link: https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jcsia/issue/view/20014
xxiv. Osang, F. B., Aliyu, A.B., Oyewande, O.V., Oluyide, O. P. & Garki, F.S Examining Mobile Services Adoption Indicators For Legislative Functions: A Nigerian Legislators’ Perspective Computing, Information Systems, Development Informatics & Allied Research Journal 12 (1), 79-94. Link: https://www.isteams.net/cisdijournal
xxv. Udoh,S.S., Osang,F.B., Fagbolu, O.O. & Isang, M.E. (2021). Intelligent Vehicular Traffic Control System using Priority Longest Queue First Model. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology: D Neural & Artificial Intelligence, 21 (1), 9-18. Link: https://computerresearch.org/index.php/computer/article/view/2022/2-Intelligent- Vehicular- Traffic-Control_html
xxvi. Ukaoha, K.C. Ademiluyi, O., Ndunagu, J., Daodu,S.S. & Osang, F.B. (2020). Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System for Diagnosing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Information Sciences, 20(2), 1-31.
xxvii. Ndunagu, J.. Osang, F, & Tanglang. N (2020). Examining Prison Education and Recidivism in Nigerian Correctional Centres: The Information and Communication Technology ((ICT)) Remedy. Anale. Seria Informatică (Annals. Computer Science Series) XVIII (2), 46-51.
xxviii. Osang, F. B., Inyang, U. G. & Afolorunso, A. A. (2020). A Conceptualized Hybridized Framework for Intelligent Criminal Health-Behaviour Pattern Discovery. International Journal of Information Security, Privacy and Digital Forensics (IJIS) of Nigeria Computer Society (NCS) 4(2), 1-11.
xxix. Osang, F.B. & Umoren, I. (2020). An Enhanced Health-Care Examination Information System for Efficient Academic Health Centre Management. International Journal of Information Processing and Communication (IJIPC) 10(12), 196-204.
xxx. Osang, F.B. & Jimoh, R.G (2020). Modelling E-Health Technology Usage and Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa: A TUSPEM Model Dimension. International Journal of Information Processing and Communication (UNILORIN) 10 (1&2), 185-195.
xxxi. Osang, F. B. & Ogban, F. U (2020). Developing DNA Sequence Alignment Application for optimized Sequence Length and Percentage Gap. International Journal of Information Security, Privacy and Digital Forensics (IJIS) of Nigeria Computer Society (NCS) 4(2), 67-81.
xxxii. Asuquo, D. E., Umoh, U., A. Okokon, E. W. & Osang, F.B. (2020). Performance Evaluation of C4.5, Random Forest and Naïve Bayes Classifiers in Employee Performance and Promotion Prediction. African Journal of Management Information System (Afr. J. MIS), 2(4), 41-55.
xxxiii. Jiro, A.A., Olaniyi, M.O., Abdullahi, I.M., Ndunagu, J. & Osang, F.B. (2020). Multi- layer Perceptron Model for Mitigating Distributed Denial of Service Flood Attack in Internet Kiosk Based Electronic Voting. Covenant Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology, 8(2), 1-15.
xxxiv. Ademiluyi, O., Ukaoha, K. C., Ndunagu, J., and Osang, F.B. (2020). A Soft-Computing Based Course Timetabling System for Schools in Nigeria. NIPES Journal of Science and Technology Research (UNIBEN), 2(3), 283-292.
xxxv. Ukaoha, K. C., Ndunagu, J., Osang, F.B., Otokiti, K., & Azikien, G. (2020). Guidance and Counseling Mobile Application (GC Mobile App) for Educational Institutions. NIPES Journal of Science and Technology Research 2(3), 293 – 303. UNIBEN – Nigeria
xxxvi. Inyang, U.G., Osang, F.B., Eyoh, I.J., Afolorunso, A.A., Nwokoro, C.O. (2020). Comparative Analytics of Classifiers on Resampled Datasets for Pregnancy Outcome Prediction. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (Science and Information (SAI) Organization), 11(6), 494-504.
xxxvii. Osang, F.B. & Akemokwe, J.M. (2019). Developing an integrated portal management system for artisans and technicians in Nigeria: a prototype system development approach. JABU Journal of Science and Technology (Joseph Ayo Babalola University) 4 (4), 43-56.
xxxviii. Ogban, F. U., Udensi, U. O., Inyang, G.A. & Osang, F.B. (2019). Efficacy of the algorithm(s) in analytical software packages on DNA sequence data analysis. International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences (Ijnas), 12 Special edition, 47-60. UNICAL- Nigeria
xxxix. Umoren, I., U., Usua, G. & Osang, F.B. (2019). Analytic Medical Process for Ophthalmic Pathologies Using Fuzzy C-Mean Algorithm. Journal of Digital Innovations & Contemp Res. In Sc., Eng & Tech. 7(2), 67-84 ((Southern University – USA).
xi. Ogban, F. U., Udensi, U. O., Inyang, G.A. & Osang, F.B. (2019). Diversity in Content and Analytical Algorithms of Biologist-Centric Software(s) for DNA and Sequence Data: Mega, DNASp, GenAlex and ARLEQUIN. International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences (Ijnas), 12 Special edition, UNICAL – Nigeria 61-73.
xii. Osang, F.B. & Umoren, I. (2019). Implementing Channel Optimization Strategies for Efficient e-Banking Operations. JABU Journal of Science and Technology 4(4), 65-72. (Joseph Babalola Univeristy) Nigeria.
xiii. Osang, F.B. (2019). Examining the Extended Expectation Confirmation Model towards Understanding Virtual Learning Technology in Mandatory Usage Context. World Journal of Science and Technology (University of Uyo, UNIUYO), 11(2), 139-147.
xiv. Osang, F. B. & Idowu T.H. (2019). Developing an Android-Based INEC Card Reader Tracking System Using a Global Positioning System Wireless Technology. World Journal of Science and Technology (University of Uyo, UNIUYO), 11(1), 94- 101.
xv. Osang, F.B. (2019). Open Educational Resources Development in Nigeria: Determining Task Technology Fit (TTF) Impact on Faculty Usage, Satisfaction and Performance. International Journal of Human and Technology Interaction 3(2). 35-46.
xvi. Osang, F.B. & Mbarika V.W. (2019). Testing the Technology Utilization, Satisfaction and Performance (TUSPEM,) Model in a Mandatory Usage Environment. Computing, Information Systems, Development Informatics & Allied Research Journal 10 (2), 17- 34 (Southern University – USA).
xvii. Osang, F.B. & Nwaocha, V. (2018). Bridging the Distance in Open and Distance Learning: Developing Student-Student and Student-Lecturer Collaborative Forum. LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology (Ladoke Akintola University, Ogbomosho, Nigeria), 12 (1), 97- 112.
xviii. Osang, F.B. & Galadima, M.B. (2018). Comparative Analysis of e-Assessment Platforms: Implications for E- examination Administration in Developing Countries. Journal of Digital Innovations & Contemp Res. In Sc., Eng & Tech. 6(4). 106-114 ((ICITD, Southern University – USA).
xix. Osang, F.B. & Umoren, I. (2018). Modelling Motadata Software Application Use and Performance in an Automobile Service Company in Nigeria: The Roles of FIT and Voluntariness. Computing, Information Systems & Development Informatics Journal. 9(2). 61-72 ((ICITD, Southern University – USA).
xx. Osang, F.B. & Umoren, I. (2018). Apriori Algorithm approach for Automatic Text Processing and Generic-Based Summarization System. LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology (Ladoke Akintola University, LAUJET, Ogbomosho, Nigeria), 12 (2), 96-106. Link: http://laujet.com/index.php/laujet/article/view/327/272
l. Osang, F.B. & Ndunagu, J.N. (2018). Towards an Integrated Information Systems Adoption, Usage and Performance Theory – A Review. Journal of Advances in Mathematical & Computational Sciences 6(4). 1-10 (ICITD, Southern University). Link: https://www.isteams.net/mathematics-computationaljournal
li. Osang, F.B. & Onwodi, G. (2018). Predicting ATM Bank Customers Satisfaction and Continued Usage in Developing Countries Using Expectation Confirmation Model. Advances in Multidisciplinary & Scientific Research Journal. 4(2), 100-109 . Link: https://www.isteams.net/aimsjournal2018
lii. Osang, F. B. & Umoren, I. (2018). Towards Bringing the Gap Between Task Technology Fit and Automobile Software Support Systems in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review. Advances in Multidisciplinary & Scientific Research Journal 4(3), 95-108. Link: https://www.isteams.net/aimsjournal2018.
liii. Nwaocha, V. O. & Osang F. (2017). A Chronology of Routing Protocol on Mobile Ad- Hoc Networks (MANET) and Systemic Vulnerabilities. Computing, Information Systems & Development Informatics Journal 8(4), 79-90.
liv. Osang, F.B. (2017). E-Banking: Evaluating Electronic Payments System in Southern Nigeria, NOUN Journal of Physical and Life Sciences National Open University of Nigeria NJPLS – 1, 162-192. (National Open University of Nigeria, NOUN- Nigeria). Link: https://ijcjournal.org/index.php/InternationalJournalOfComputer /issue /view/35
lv. Osang F. B. (2017). Repositioning the Logistic Industry for Effective Service Delivery in Nigeria: A Case Study. International Journal of Computer (IJC), 24(1), 130 -145. International Scientific Research and Researchers Association (ISRRA), Jordan
lvi. Osang, F.B. & Umoren, I. (2017). Performance Modelling and Optimization of Business Investment Using Decision Tree Approach. Journal of Advances in Mathematical & Computational Sciences 5(1), 1-24 (ICITD, Southern University – USA). Link: https://www.isteams.net/mathematics-computationaljournal
lvii. Osang, F.B. and Williams E.E. (2016). Digitalizing Cooperative Societies for Effective Service Delivery in Nigeria – A Structured System Development Approach. International Journal of Natural and Allied Sciences 11(2), 55-63. (University of Calabar, UNICAL – Nigeria). AJOL.
lviii. Osang, F.B. (2016). An Integrative Model for Determining Smartphone Services Adoption Decisions in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach. International Journal of Natural and Allied Sciences 11(1), 66-78. (University of Calabar, UNICAL – Nigeria). AJOL.
lix. Osang, F.B. (2015). Assessing the dimensionalities of email utilization among open and distance learning practitioners: a structural modelling equation approach. West African Journal of Open and Distance learning (WAJOFEL) 4(1), 11 – 35 (National Open University of Nigeria -NOUN – Nigeria).
lx. Osang, F. B. (2012). Electronic Examination in Nigeria, Academic Staff Perspective— Case Study: National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), International Journal of Information and Education Technology 2(4), 304-307. Abstracting/ Indexing: Scopus, (Singapore). Link: https://www.ijiet.org/show-32-106-1.html