+234 803 851 4090, +234 908 290 7092, +234 905 646 3036, +234 807 991 7938 centralinfo@noun.edu.ng

Career Profile

Gregory Onwodi: holds a B.Sc (Computer Science)-1995, Master in Information Technology-2004, Mphil (Computer Science)-2012, PHD (Computer Science)-2015.

A reader at NOUN. Professional membership and certification: MCP, MNCS, MCPN, FIIM. I am currently the Dean of Faculty of Computing at National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) and the AI Programme Coordinator African Centre of Excellence for Technology Enhanced Learning, a World Bank funded project.

Director ICT at NOUN, 2020 - 2024 and twice Study Centre Director. COL-National ICT skills development Team leader, 2016-2018.

Team member of UNESCO project for ICT skills integration into Teachers training curriculum, 2022. As Principal Research investigator we won International (DSTN, COL) and Local Research Grants (TETFUND-2023 and NOUN Senate-2024).

I was National University Commission accreditation team lead/chairman, 2023. Visiting Professor to New Gate University, Lafia Nigeria. Visiting Professor and External Examiner at the Department of Computer Science Nile University, Nigeria.

Journal reviewer and editor with over fifty publications. I am happily married with children.

Dr. Gregory Ogadi Onwodi




Computer Science


Dean Faculty of Computing



BSc, MPhil, PhD

HOD, Director and Dean of Faculty. Faculty/School Exam Officer

(a) Books already published
1. Onwodi G et al (2021): Directorate of Information and Communication Technology (DICT) Operational Manual published by NOUN press LTD.

2. Okure O, Uduak G, Onwodi G. & Udoh S (2020): Practical Approach to Basic and Visual Basic Programming published by Development Universal Consortia, Ibom Institute of Management and Technology. ISBN: 978-978-48980-5-8

3. Obot, O. U, Onwodi, G. O, Attai, K. F, John, A.,E. and Wilson, E (2023). Grading Multiple Choice Questions based on Similarity Measure. Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 11(1), 9-21.

(b) Chapters in Books

1. Obot, O. U., Attai, K. F., Onwodi, G, ,James, I. and John, A. (2023). Sentiment Analysis of Electronic Word of Mouth (E- WOM) on E-Learning. Published in Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, sixth Edition (https://www.igi-global.com/gateway/chapter/332793). DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7365-5.ch057

2. Obot, O., Attai, K and Onwodi, G. (2022). Integrating Knowledge-Driven and Data-Driven Methodologies for Efficient Clinical Decision Support System In Diverse Perspectives and State-of-the-art Approaches to the Utilization of data-driven Clinical Decision Support Systems. IGI-Global

(c) Articles that have already appeared in Referred Conference Proceedings

1. Onwodi, G. & Udoette, E. (2021): Smart Medication for Secure Health with Internet of Things. Proceedings of the Accra Bespoke Multidisciplinary Innovations Conference. University of Ghana/Academic City University College, Accra, Ghana. December 2021. Pp 273-288. www.isteams.net/ghanabespoke2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22624/AIMS/ABMIC2021-V2-P21

2. Onwodi,G. (2019): Clinical Database Information System for Gbagada General Hospital. Proceedings of the 22nd iSTEAMS Multidisciplinary SPRING Conference. Aurora Conference centre, Osogbo, Nigeria. 17th – 19th December, 2019. Pp 273-284 www.isteams.net/spring2019

1. Onwodi,G. (2019): Bring Your Own Device in Education: A Review of Challenges. Proceedings of the 15th iSTEAMS Research Nexus Conference, Chrisland University, Abeokuta, Nigeria, 16th – 18th April, 2019. Pp 339-344.

2. Onwodi,G. (2019): Offline Mobile Learning Application for National Open University of Nigeria. Proceedings of the 18th iSTEAMS Multidisciplinary Cross-Border Conference, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana. 28th – 30th July, 2019, Pp 423-440.

3. Onwodi G.O. (2015): Increasing Access to Education through Mobile Learning, conference paper presented at ICELET 2015, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

4. Onwodi G.O. (2014): Paper ICSCES0026 – Mobile Learning with Real Time Video Service over Ad-Hoc Network, conference paper presented at ICACSET 2014 conference, Babcock University, Ogun State, Nigeria.

(d) Creative Works

1. Onwodi G & Taiwo (2018): Robot Car (audiono board), design and constructed a remotely controlled car through MTN network.

2. Onwodi G: (2017): Deployed Aptus for provision of wireless internet connection for m-learning in remote villages in Nigeria.

(e) Articles that have already appeared in Learned Journals

1. Ketebu, K. E., Onwodi, G. O., Ukhurebor, K. E., Eneche, B. M., & Yaah-Nyakko, N. K.(2024). Original Research Article A recent survey of image-based malware classification using convolution neural network. Journal of Autonomous Intelligence, 7(5).

2. Emeka, P.E., Okoza, J., Ukhurebor, K.E., Onwodi, G.O., Bayonle, F., & Nyagblordjro, J (2023): The impact of internet use on tertiary institution students’ academic performance: An exploratory study. Cypriot. Journal of Educational Science, 18(1), 228- 242. https://doi.org/10.18844/cjes.v18i1.8144

3. Obot, O. U, Onwodi, G. O, Attai, K. F, John, A.,E. and Wilson, E (2023). Grading Multiple Choice Questions based on Similarity Measure. Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 11(1), 9-21.

4. Onwodi, G. (2022): Artificial intelligence in the delivery of healthcare service using chatbot. Journal of Behavioural Informatics, digital Humanities and Development Research, 8(3), 41-50.

5. Onwodi, G. (2022): Deploying artificial intelligence in service delivery in Educational Institutions. Journal of advances in Mathematical & Computational Science. 10(3), 75-83 dx.doi.org/10.22624/AIMS/MATHS/V10N2P6 Available online at www.isteams.net/mathematics-computationaljournal.

6. Onwodi G (2022): Application of artificial Intelligence as an additional Tool for Effective payment of salaries of Civil Servants of Federal Government of Nigeria. Social Informatics. Journal, 8(3), 37-44. DOI:dx.doi.org/10.22624/AIMS/SIJ/V8N3P www.istreams/socialinformaticsjournal

7. Onwodi, G. (2022): Smart Intrusion prevention System for the Local Area Network of Nigeria Immigration Special Study Centre, Gwagwalada, Abuja. Journal of Digital Innovations and Contemporary research in Science, Engineering & Technology, 13(3), 35-42. dx.doi.org/10.22624/AIMS/DIGITAL/V1 N4P10 Available online at www.istreams.net/digitaljournal

8. Onwodi, G. & Agun, O (2021): Application of full automation as an additional Tool for Effective payment of Salaries of Civil Servants of Federal Government of Nigeria. Computing, Information Systems, Development Informatics & Allied Research Journal. Vol 13 No. 3, Pp 73-84 dx.doi.org/10.22624/AIMS/Digital/V10N4P10 Available online at www.isteams.net/cisdijournal

9. Onwodi, G. & Ibrahim, F (2021): Technical analysis of Learning Management Systems Towards Improving System Functionality. Advances in Multidisciplinary and Scientific research, 8(3), 13-6. www.istreams.net/aimsjournal DOI:dx.doi.org/10.22624/AIMS/V8N3P2

10. Onwodi, G. (2021): Design and Implementation of Web based recruitment portal for Nigeria Civil Service Commission Abuja, Behavioural Informatic Journal, 8(1), 47-56 Available online at https://www.Isteams.net/behavioralinformaticsjournalDx.doi.org/10.22624/AIMS/BHI/V8N21P5

11. Onwodi, G. (2019). Systematic Review of Security Issues on Cloud Computing Social Informatics, Business, Politics, Law & Technology Journal 5, (3): 79-88

12. Onwodi, G. (2019). Human in the Cloud: towards the Analysis of Techniques and Methods used to counter vulnerabilities inherently embedded in cloud Computing Social Informatics, Business, Politics, Law & Technology Journal, 5(4): 1-22

13. Onwodi, G.O. (2019). Towards The Development of an Android Based Offline Mobile Learning Application Open Learning Advances in Multidisciplinary Research Journal 5, (2): 53-58

14. Onwodi, G.O. (2019). Impact Analysis of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on The Nigeria Corrections Services – FCT Command Headquarters, Abuja in Focus Advances in Multidisciplinary Research Journal 5, (4): 39–60

15. Onwodi, G.O. & Ogunlana, A.D. (2019). Local Area Network Deployment for Gwagwalada Area Council, Abuja, Nigeria. Computing, Information Systems, Development Informatics & Allied Research Journal, 10(2), 81-110

16. Onwodi, G. (2019): A Comparative Review of Mobile Learning Models, Journal of Advances in Mathematical & Computational Sciences 6, (1), 1-8

17. Onwodi, G. O. & Marwa, H. (2019): A Framework for the Deployment of the National Identification Number for Patients with Health-Related Issues. Journal of Behavioural Informatics, Social-Cultural and Development Research, 5(3), 63-70

18. Onwodi, G.O. & Ehigiator, M.O. (2019). Towards an Assessment of the Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Diffusion in the Nigerian Corrections Services. Journal of Digital Innovations & Contemporary Research in Science, Engineering & Technology, 7(3), 67-78

19. Mughele, E.S., Konyeha, S. & Onwodi, G.O. (2019). A Theoretical Framework for Enhancing Open Distance Learning (ODL) Education. Journal of Digital Innovations & Contemporary Research in Science, Engineering & Technology, 7(4), 113-122

20. Onwodi, G. (2018). Contextualizing Mobile Learning (MLearning) Characteristics and Associated Platform Attributes. Journal of Digital Innovations & Contemporary Research in Science, Engineering & Technology, 6(3), 73-82

21. Onwodi, G. (2018): Building Learning Technology for Digital Humanities – A Review. Journal of Behavioural Informatics, Social-Cultural and development research, 5(4), 1-8

22. Onwodi, G. (2018). Design Architecture for the Development of an mLearning Infrastructure for the National Open University of Nigeria. Advances in Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 4(4): 85–94

23. Osang, F.B. & Onwodi, G. (2018). Predicting ATM Bank Customers Satisfaction and Continued Usage in Developing Countries Using Expectation Confirmation Model. Advances in Multidisciplinary & Scientific Research Journal, 4(2), 100-109

24. Osang, F.B. & Onwodi, G. (2018). Examining the Extended Expectation Confirmation Model (ECM) Towards Understanding Virtual Learning Technology’s Continued Usage in a Mandatory Usage Context accepted for publication in World Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 10 (2)

25. Onwodi, G. (2017). Towards the Design of a Standard Mobile Learning (M-Learning) Model for the Provision of Learning, Training, Research and Educational Resources for the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN). Computing, Information Systems, Development Informatics & Allied Research Journal, 8(2), 139-146

26. Onwodi, G. O (2017). A Scalable M-learning Systems for the National Open University of Nigeria Using Multimedia Data Transmissions Technologies Journal of Advances in Mathematical & Computational Sciences, 5(1), 25-37

27. Nkuma-Udah K.I, Onwodi G.O, Njoku, D. & Ndubuka G.I.N., (2013). Expert Systems in Medical Diagnosis, African Journal of Medical Physics, Biomed Engineering & Science, 3(1), 50-57

28. Awodele, O., Aniemeka, E.T, & Onwodi G.O, (2013). Native-IP and Technical Cornerstone of Fifth Generation Network, Iinternational Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 2(11), 454-459

29. Ogunlere, S, Maitanmi, O. & Onwodi G.O (2013). Design and Implementation of Intelligence Car Parking Systems. International Journal of Computer, Science & Business Informatics, 6(1), 1-16

30. Maitanmi O. S. Y., Adekunle, A. K Adio, Onwodi G.O & Malasowe, B. (2013). Model-Based Information Retrieval System. International Journal of Computer, 10, (1), 8-17

31. Maitanmi O. S, Malasowe B, Emuobonuvie E. A, Adekunle Y & Onwodi G.O., (2013). Neural Network Models: A Basic Statistical Tool for Data analysis and Forecasting, International Journal of Computer, 8, (1), 1-7

32. Maitanmi O. S, Ogunlere S. O, Adekunle Y., Onwodi G.O & Malasowe, B. (2013). Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Vehicle Tracking System. International Journal Of Research In Computer Application & Management, 3(9), 86 -92

33. Maitanmi O. S. Adio A. K, Adekunle Y & Onwodi G.O. (2013). Open, Flexible and Distributed e-Learning Environments, International Journal of Computer, 11 (1): 7-16.

34. Maitanmi O. S, Adekunle Y, Adio A. K, Malasowe B and Onwodi G.O, (2013). Information Technology as a vehicle to Millennium Development Goals, International Journal of advanced studies in Computer Science and Engineering, 2(4), 31-38

35. Matthew K. L, Ibikunle A. F. & Onwodi G.O. (2012). Neural Network Based Hausa Language Speech Recognition. International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence 1, (2), 39-44

36. Nkuma-Udah K.I, Onwodi G.O, & Iwuji S, (2011). Impact of ICT in the Development of Medical Practice in Nigeria. African Journal of Medical Physics, Biomed Engineering & Science, 3(1), 25-29.

37. Onwodi, G.O, Nkuma-Udah K.I. & Ajuogu E. (2011). Impact of Information and Communication Technology in Nursing Practice: A Review. African Journal of Medical Physics, Biomed Engineering & Science, 3,1,6-10.

38. Ejeta K. O, Nkuma-Udah K.I, Dolor G. A, Esomonu F, Onwodi G.O & Ogundeko A, (2011). Design and Fabrication of a Cost-Effective Domestic Autoclave in a Developing Economy, African Journal of Medical Physics, Biomed Engineering & Science, 3(1), 34-37.

39. Onwodi G.O and Nkuma-Udah K.I, (2010). Tempest: A Surveillance Technology in the Service of Humanity. African Journal of Medical Physics, Biomed Engineering & Science, 2(3), 118-126

40. Adewale, M.A., Azeta, A., Abayomi-Alli, A., Sambo-Magaji, A., Jokthan, G.E., Onwodi, G., Lawal, K.L. & Mafiana, C.F. (2024). The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Student’s Academic Performance in Open and Distance Learning Using Multiple Regression Analysis Technique, MDPI Journals (Applied Science).

XII. Course Materials Developed For NOUN
1. Fagbamila O. O. and Onwodi G.O. (2013): DAM362 Data Center Management (3 Credit Unit)

2. Onwodi G.O. (2011): CIT754 Digital Communication (3 Credit Unit)

3. Onwodi G.O. (2011): DAM382 Information System Management (3 Credit Unit)

4. Fagbamila O. O. and Onwodi G.O. (2011): DAM363 Economic Statistics (3 Credit Unit)

5. Onwodi G.O. (2010): CIT309 Computer Architecture (3 Credit Unit)

6. Onwodi G.O. (2010): CIT425 Operations Research (3 Credit Unit)

7. Onwodi G.O. (2009): CIT303 Principles of Communication Technology (3 Credit)

XIII. Major Conferences Attended with Paper Read

1. Onwodi G. and Fatimah I. (2022): Technical analysis of Learning Management Systems Towards Improving System Functionality, Pan-Commonwealth Forum (PCF10), Calgary, Canada 14-16 September 2022

2. Onwodi G. and Akintola M. (2019): Gwagwalada Community Telecentre outfit paper presented at Pan Common Wealth Forum -PCF 9 2019, Edinburg, Scotland.

3. Onwodi G.O. (2016): Mobile Learning over Ad-hoc Network, conference paper/poster presented at Pan Common Wealth Forum -PCF 8 2016, Malaysia.

4. Onwodi G.O. (2016): ICT Skill Courses and Programmes in NOUN for the Commonwealth Advanced ICT Skills Project, 25-26 Jan 2016 Hotel Voila, Mauritius.

5. Onwodi G.O. (2013): Paper 352 – Interactive West African Education Satellite model (IWASat), conference paper presented at Pan Common Wealth Forum -PCF7 conference, Abuja, Nigeria.

6. Onwodi G.O. (2010): Information Communication Technology; Nurses perspective, Paper presented at a Workshop organized by Nigerian Association of Nurses and Midwives, Lagos and Ogun chapter.

7. Onwodi G.O. (2008): Corporate Intelligence; Seminar Paper presented at a Workshop organized by Nigerian society of Engineers, Enugu Chapter.

8. Onwodi G.O. (2008): Corporate Re-Engineering; Seminar Paper presented at a Workshop organized by Nigerian society of Engineers, Enugu Chapter.

9. Adewale, M.A., Azeta, A., Abayomi-Alli, A., Sambo-Magaji, A., Jokthan, G.E., Onwodi, G., Lawal, K.L. & Mafiana, C.F. (2024). An Architectural Frameworkforpredicting Student’s Academic Performance in Open and Distance Learning. 10 th EAI International Conference on e-learning, e-Education and oOnline Training. Changsha, People’s Republic of China, June 8-9, 2024.

Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics and Cyber Security

DSTN-2022, COL-2016, TETFUND-2023, NOUN Senate research Grant-2024

Prospective/Returning Students