Message from the Dean
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Faculty of Computing (FOC) of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN). FOC was established in 2023 following senate’s approval at its hybrid 104th meeting held on Tuesday. 5th September 2023. The faculty is blessed with twenty-eight full time Academic staff and several Facilitators/part time academic staff with PHD and specialisation in various fields of Computing.
FOC has three Departments namely:
- Computer Science
- Information Systems and Technology
- Cyber Security
The curricula of our programmes are robust incorporating both theory and practical. Our mission is to develop graduates that are well grounded in computing such that they are industry ready; employable and can be employers of labour.
Our students have access to live facilitation sessions and recorded facilitation session (video lectures). This is in addition to course materials that are available to them both online and physical copies.
During their studies our students participate in discussion, chat forum as well as practicals.
Choosing to study Computing at NOUN is the best decision of a lifetime. NOUN is the foremost and best Open and Distance Learning (ODL) University in Nigeria. Our e-ticking platform is always available to attend to enquirers and complaints from students.
Once again welcome to a fruitful journey in your chosen programme in Faculty of Computing.
Dr. Greg Onwodi.
Dean, Faculty of Computing
Computer Science
Information Systems and Technology
Cyber Security
Faculty Email
Faculty Telephone Number
Tel: +2347032022265